Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ladybugs are flying!

I came home from work to a wonderful sight today.  Ladybugs!!  Some very special friends delivered some absolutely gorgeous hydrangeas, pink of course,  in wonderful turquoise pots to my front door.  They are complete with a welcome sign with a ladybug and darling metal ladybug yard decorations.  To say I am touched cannot even begin to describe how I feel.

I am always amazed at my neighbors.  We started a book club over eight years ago and we call ourselves, "The Ashland Avenue Ladies Book Club".  We meet the third Monday of every month and discuss our newest selection.   Sometimes the discussion lasts ten minutes, sometimes much more.  Our husbands joke that we should call ourselves the Wine Club.  I must say, we do like our wine. 

This group of amazing women has always inspired me.  We have donated time and meals to assist ill neighbors in and around our block, given funds for flowers to others for loss or celebration.  We have collected children's books to start a members library when they have started a family.  We have moved from one block party a summer to two for the families to spend time together. 

Each woman is unique in their own way and each brings something different to our gatherings.  We have lawyers, nurses, managers, musicians, and mothers with children of all ages; all of whom I call friends. 

So Susan, Maureen, Teresa, Melissa, Annette, Sarah, Gina, Stacey, Mary Hope, Ann, Molly and Collette, I am not sure who did this wonderful thing for me but, you are so giving and generous and I deeply appreciate all the kindnesses you have bestowed on me.  Your wonderful words of encouragement, offerings of meals, mowing of our front lawn and now coming home to such beautiful flowers, my family and I are forever grateful to each of you.

Melissa, just read your note on FB.  You and Gina are forever in my prayers!!!  THANK YOU!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The flowers are beautiful. I once received such a surprise when my father went into the nurseing home from my best friend and remember it always as you will too. Love ya, G